Start or Stop Water and Sewer Service

The City of Troutdale provides water, sewer, and storm sewer service.

To start service, fill out the online Start Service form.

To stop service, fill out the online Stop Service form.

You can also drop by the cashier window in City Hall during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or have the form mailed or faxed to you by calling 503-674-7225. City Hall is closed on weekends and holidays.

Many questions regarding utility billing and rates are answered in the FAQ section below. If you can't find the information you are looking for or have any additional questions about utility service, please call 503-674-7225.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start or stop City water service?

To start service, fill out the online Start Service form.
To stop service, fill out the online Stop Service form.

If you have any questions, please contact the City's Finance Department at 503-674-7225.

Where does city water come from?

The City of Troutdale, Oregon has seven underground deep water wells which are located throughout the City.

How much is the utility bill per month?

The amount of the water bill varies depending upon water usage. The water meter is read monthly and the water charge is $5.50 for every 1,000 gallons that has registered on the meter. The sewer charge is $53.97 per month and the storm charge is $9.18 per month for residential customers.

When is the utility bill due?

Utility bills are due twenty (20) days after the end of the billing month. For example, the May utility bill is due on June 20. A late fee of $5.00 is charged on accounts with unpaid charges forty-five (45) days or older.

What is the "storm charge?"

It is used to pay for operations, maintenance, repair and a portion of capital improvements to the City's storm water system. This could include something as routine as cleaning out catch basins that drain water from streets, to a major project such as installing drainage pipes or a pump station.

Can I pay my water & sewer bill online?

Yes! It's free, secure, and easy to use. All you need is your utility customer account number, your
name as it appears on your bill and an email address. You can make a payment from a checking or
savings account or with a debit or credit card that has a Visa or MasterCard logo. You can log on and
pay an amount each month or set-up to pay automatically from one account. Visit our online bill pay page for more infromation.

Xpress Bill Pay, the City of Troutdale's online bill pay web administrator, provides a toll free number
(800-766-2350) to its technical support or you can contact Xpress Bill Pay by email at
support [at] with questions.

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